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2024-10-30 16:44  


姓名: 申茜


性别: 女


所在學科: 地理信息、遙感

博士導師: 否





2004.09 – 2009.06,中國科學院遙感應用研究所,博士

2000.09 – 2004.06,武漢大學,學士






(1) Yuting Zhang; Qian Shen*; Yue Yao; Junsheng Li; Bing Zhang. Preliminary analysis on the characteristics of light absorption coefficients in typical rivers of different river basins across China. Optics Express 2024, 32, 17481 -17498.  

(2) Wenting Xu; Qian Shen*; Bo Zhang; Yue Yao; Yuting Zhou; Jiarui Shi; Zhijun Zhang; Liwei Li; Junsheng Li. Remote Sensing Identification and Spatiotemporal Change Analysis of Cladophora with Different Morphologies. Remote Sensing 2024, 16, 602 .

(3) Hangyu Gao; Ruren Li; Qian Shen*; Yue Yao; Yifan Shao; Yuting Zhou; Wenxin Li; Jinzhi Li; Yuting Zhang; Mingxia Liu. Deep-Learning-Based Automatic Extraction of Aquatic Vegetation from Sentinel-2 Images—A Case Study of Lake Honghu. Remote Sensing 2024, 16, 867  .

(4) Shao, Y.; Shen, Q*.; Yao, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Xu, W.; Li, W.; Gao, H.; Shi, J.; Zhang, Y. Spatial and Temporal Variations of Total Suspended Matter Concentration during the Dry Season in Dongting Lake in the Past 35 Years. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 3509. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16183509.

(5) 樊登輝;李利偉;申茜;張浩;程鋼.改進IR-MAD算法的高分光學衛星影像相對輻射歸一化方法.遙感技術與應用,2024(04)

(6) 徐耀漢;申茜*;邢曉達;劉慎棟;田東坡;姚月;馬鵬飛;姜諾涵.基于色度角信息的衡水湖富營養狀态監測研究.水利水電技術(中英文),2024(06)

(7) Shi, Jiarui, Qian Shen*, Yue Yao, Junsheng Li, Fu Chen, Ru Wang, Wenting Xu, Zuoyan Gao, Libing Wang & Yuting Zhou.Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Small Water Bodies: Comparison of Fused Gaofen-6 and Sentinel-2 Sensors. Remote Sens.202201, 14,229. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14010229 

(8) 王茹,申茜*,彭紅春,姚月,李俊生,汪明秀,史佳睿,徐雯婷. 2022. 多源高分辨率衛星影像監測黑臭水體的适用性. 遙感學報,26(1):175-188. DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20210479

(9) 吳慶雙,汪明秀,申茜*,姚月,李俊生,張方方,周亞明,202208,基于Sentinel-2遙感圖像的細小水體提取方法研究,遙感學報, 26(4):781-794. DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20229340

(10) 史佳睿,申茜*,彭紅春,李利偉,姚月,汪明秀,王茹.基于三種高分辨率影像樣本遷移學習的城市水體提取研究. 遙感技術與應用,202206, 37(3):731-738.

(11) Li, Wenxin; Huang, Yuancheng; Shen, Qian*; Yao, Yue; Xu, Wenting; Shi, Jiarui; Zhou, Yuting; Li, Jinzhi; Zhang, Yuting; Gao, Hangyu. Assessment of Seven Atmospheric Correction Processors for the Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Imager over Lakes in Qinghai Province. Remote Sens.2023, 15,5370. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15225370.

(12) Shi, J.; Shen, Q. *; Yao, Y.; Zhang, F.; Li, J.; Wang, L. Field Radiometric Calibration of a Micro-Spectrometer Based on Remote Sensing of Plateau Inland Water Colors. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 2117. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13042117  IF=2.7.

(13) Y. T. Zhou, Q. Shen*, H. C. Peng, Y. Yao, R. Wang, W. Y. Ma, J.R. Shi, Y.J. Ren,J. Zhao, W.T. Xu, L. Hao & Z. J. Zhang (2023) Suitability of Sentinel-3 chlorophyll a products based on optical water types, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44:4, 1369-1389, DOI:10.1080/01431161.2023.2180780 .

(14) 張志軍, 王茹, 姚月, 都成妍, 徐雯婷, 申茜*.基于資源一号02D高光譜衛星影像的青海湖懸浮物濃度反演研究. 遙感技術與應用,2023,38(05):1159-1166.

(15) Qian Shen*, Xiaoda Xing, Yue Yao, Mingxiu Wang, Shendong Liu, Junsheng Li, Bing Zhang. Estimation of suspended matter concentration in manwan reservoir, lancing river using remotely sensed small satellite constellation for environment and disaster monitoring and forecasting (HJ-1A/1B), charge coupled device (CCD) data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2021, 42(14), 5232-5252.

(16) 申茜*,姚月,李利偉,龍騰飛,陳甫,張兵,北京市平原區2015-2019年度0.8米地表反射率數據集,遙感學報,2021,25(11): 2303-2312 DOI:10.11834/jrs.20210407。

(17) Zuoyan Gao, Qian Shen*, Xuelei Wang, Hongchun Peng, Yue Yao, Mingxiu Wang, Libing Wang, Ru Wang, Jiarui Shi, Dawei Shi & Wenguang Liang; Spatiotemporal Distribution of Total Suspended Matter Concentration in Changdang Lake Based on In Situ Hyperspectral Data and Sentinel-2 Images. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 4230.  https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13214230

(18) 張兵*,李俊生,申茜,吳豔紅,張方方,王勝蕾,姚月,郭立男,殷子瑤, 長時序大範圍内陸水體光學遙感研究進展,遙感學報,25(1):37-52.

(19) Libing Wang,Bo Zhang*,Qian Shen,Yue Yao,Shengyin Zhang,Huaidong Wei,Rongpeng Yao & Yaowen Zhang;Estimation of Soil Salt and Ion Contents Based on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of Baidunzi Basin, China;Water 13(4).  DOI: 10.3390/w13040559

(20) Shenglei Wang, Junsheng Li,Wenzhi Zhang,Chang Cao,Fangfang Zhang,Qian Shen,Xianfeng Zhang* & Bing Zhang*;A dataset of remote-sensed Forel-Ule Index for global inland waters during 2000–2018;January 2021Scientific Data 8(1) DOI: 10.1038/s41597-021-00807-z 

(21) Mingxiu, Wang; Yue Yao; Qian, Shen*; Hongjie, Gao; Junsheng Li; Fangfang Zhang; Qingshuang Wu; Time-Series Analysis of Surface-Water Quality in Xiong’an New Area, 2016–2019 [J]. Journal of the Indian society of remote sensing.( https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-020-01264-8)

(22) Wenting, Xu; Qian, Shen*; Xuelei, Wang; Qian, Wang; Yue, Yao; Wei, Huang; Mingxiu, Wang; Junsheng ,Li; Fangfang, Zhang; Xiaoyong, Chen; Sensing Images for Assessing the Minimum Ecological Flux by Automatically Extracting River Surface Width[J]. Remote Sensing, 2020-09, 12(18): 2899.(https://www.mdpi.com/820026)

(23) Yelong, Zhao; Qian, Shen*; Qian, Wang; Fan, Yang; Shenglei, Wang; Junsheng, Li; Fangfang, Zhang; Yue, Yao; Recognition of Water Colour Anomaly by using Hue Angle and Sentinel 2 Image. Remote Sens. 2020-02, 12 (4), 716; (https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12040716)

(24) 七珂珂,申茜*,羅小軍,李家國,姚月,楊崇,2020,基于GF-2影像的沈陽市黑臭水體遙感分級識别,遙感技術與應用,35(2):424 -434. 核心期刊

(25) ShengleiWang, JunshengLi, BingZhang, ZhongpingLee, EvangelosSpyrakos, LianFeng, ChongLiu, HongliZhao, YanhongWu, LipingZhu, LimingJia, WeiWan, FangfangZhang, QianShen, Andrew N.Tyler, XianfengZhang, Changes of water clarity in large lakes and reservoirs across China observed from long-term MODIS, Remote Sensing of Environment, 247(15):111949. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2020.111949)  

(26) Qian Shen, Yue Yao, Junsheng Li, Fangfang Zhang, Shenglei Wang, Yanhong Wu, Huping Ye, Bing Zhang*,A CIE color purity algorithm to detect black and odorous water in urban rivers using high resolution multi-spectral remote sensing images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019-09, 57(9), 6577-6590. .

(27) Li, Liwei; Yan, Zhi; Shen, Qian; Cheng, Gang; Gao, Lianru; Zhang, Bing*, Water Body Extraction from Very High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data Based on Fully Convolutional Networks, Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(10): 1162.

(28) 姚月,申茜*,朱利,高紅傑,曹紅業,韓惠,孫建國,李俊生.2019-03.高分二号的沈陽市黑臭水體遙感識别.遙感學報,23(2):230-242 EI

(29) 張兵*, 李俊生, 申茜, 吳豔紅, 張方方, 王勝蕾, 2019, 地表水環境遙感監測關鍵技術與系統,中國環境監測, 35(4):1-9.

(30) Lu Z. , Li J. , Shen Q.*, Zhang B. , Zhang H., Zhang F., Wang S.. Modification of 6SV to remove skylight reflected at the air-water interface: Application to atmospheric correction of Landsat 8 OLI imagery in inland waters. PLOS ONE, 2018, 13(8):e0202883. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.

(31) Zhang, F., Li, J., Shen, Q., Zhang, B., Tian, L., Ye, H., ... & Lu, Z. (2018). A soft-classification-based chlorophyll-a estimation method using MERIS data in the highly turbid and eutrophic Taihu Lake. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 74, 138-149.

(32) Zhang, F., Li, J., Zhang, B., Shen, Q., Ye, H., Wang, S., & Lu, Z. (2018). A simple automated dynamic threshold extraction method for the classification of large water bodies from landsat-8 OLI water index images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39(11), 3429-3451.

(33) Wang S., Li J., Zhang B., Spyrakos E., Tyler A. N., Shen Q., Zhang F., Kuster T., Lehmann M.K., Wu Y., Peng D., (2018). Trophic state assessment of global inland waters using a MODIS-derived Forel-Ule index. Remote Sensing of Environment, 217: 444-460. SCI

(34) 申茜,朱利*,曹紅業. 城市黑臭水體遙感監測與篩查研究進展.應用生态學報, 2017-10, 28(10): 3433-3439.

(35) 申茜*. 基于Hydrolight模拟的内陸水體光場的二向性. 北京工業大學學報, 2017-05, 43(5), 649-658.

(36) 陳繼偉, 申茜*, 朱利, 王雙亭. 基于GF影像的不同融合方法對城市水體光譜保真度影響. 北京工業大學學報, 2017-05, 43(5), 678-682.

(37) Li J.*, Hu C., Shen Q., Barnes B., Murch B., Feng L., Zhang M. & Zhang B. Recovering low quality MODIS-Terra data over highly turbid waters through noise reduction and regional vicarious calibration adjustment: A case study in Taihu Lake. Remote Sensing of Environment, 197(2017), 72-84.

(38) Ye H., LI J., Zhu J., Shen Q., LI T., Zhang F., Yue H., Zhang B.* & Liao X.*. Improvement of scattering correction for in situ coastal and inland water absorption measurement using exponential fitting approach, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-018-7037-5

(39) 申茜,李俊生,張兵*,吳豔紅,鄒雷,吳太夏. 水面原位多角度偏振反射率光譜特性分析與離水輻射提取. 光譜學與光譜分析,2016, 36(10), 3269-3273.

(40) 邢曉達, 申茜*, 李俊生, 等. 基于HJ-CCD的漫灣壩區河流懸浮物濃度遙感反演. 遙感技術與應用, 2016, 31(4):682-690.

(41) Huping Ye, Junsheng Li, Tongji Li, Qian Shen, Jianhua Zhu, Xiaoyong Wang, Fangfang Zhang, Jing Zhang, Bing Zhang*. Spectral Classification of the Yellow Sea and Implications for Coastal Ocean Color Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing, 2016, 8(4), 321.

(42) Wang Shenglei, Li Junsheng, Zhang Bing, Shen Qian, et al. A simple correction method for the MODIS surface reflectance product over typical inland waters in China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2016, 37(24): 6076-6096. 

(43) 李通, 張麗*, 申茜, 張炳華. 湄公河下遊洪災淹沒面積多源遙感時序監測分析[J]. 應用科學學報, 2016, 34(1):75-83.

(44) Qian Shen*, Junsheng Li*, Fangfang Zhang, Xu Sun, Jun Li, Wei Li, Bing Zhang. Classification of Several Optically Complex Waters in China Using in Situ Remote Sensing Reflectance. Remote Sensing, 2015, 7(11), 14731-14756. 

(45) Shenglei Wang, Junsheng Li, Qian Shen, Bing Zhang*, Fangfang Zhang, Zhaoyi Lu. MODIS-Based Radiometric Color Extraction and Classification of Inland Water With the Forel-Ule Scale: A Case Study of Lake Taihu. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2015, 8(2), 907-918.

(46) 周亞明,李俊生,申茜,張方方。基于水面光譜數據的官廳水庫有色可溶性有機物反演.光譜學與光譜分析,2015, 35(4): 1015-1019.

(47) Fangfang Zhang, Junsheng Li, Qian Shen, Bing Zhang*, Chuanqing Wu, Yuanfeng Wu, Ganlin Wang, Shenglei Wang, Zhaoyi Lu. Algorithms and Schemes for Chlorophyll a Estimation by Remote Sensing and Optical Classification for Turbid Lake Taihu, China. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2015, 8(1), 350-364.

(48) 申茜*,李俊生,吳遠峰,張兵,湖泊水體固有光學量光譜拟合與分析研究綜述,遙感信息, 2014, 29(4), 113-126.

(49) Junsheng Li, QianShen, Bing Zhang*, Fangfang Zhang, Hao Zhang. Measurements and analysis of in situ multi-angle reflectance of turbid inland water: a case study in Meiliang Bay, Taihu Lake, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014, 35(13), 5167-5185.  SCI收錄

(50) Junsheng Li, QianShen, Bing Zhang*, DongMei Chen. Retrieving total suspended matter in Lake Taihu from HJ-CCD near-infrared band data. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 2014, 17(3), 280-289. SCI收錄.

(51) 谌沁祎,申茜,李俊生,張民偉,官雲蘭*,基于燒失量分析的水體懸浮物濃度測量方法改進,海洋技術學報,2014,33(2),14-23.

(52) Shen Qian, Ni Li1, Sun Xu, Gao Lianru, Zhang Bing. OPTICAL CLASSIFICATION OF OPTICALLY COMPLEX WATERS AROUND CHINA. Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing(WHISPER), 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland. 

(53) 李俊生, 張兵, 申茜, 等. 太湖水面多角度遙感反射率光譜測量與方向特性分析. 光譜學與光譜分析, 2013, 33(9): 2506-2511. (SCI)

(54) Shen Qian, Zhang Bing, Li Junsheng, Wu Yanhong, Ni Li, Qiao Wei. Study on level-1 requirements of hyperspectral remote sensor for inland waters. Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing(WHISPER), 2012, Shanghai,China.

(55) Junsheng Li, Bing Zhang, Qian Shen, et al. Monitoring water quality of Lake Taihu from HJ-CCD data using empirical models. IGARSS, 2012.

(56) Junsheng Li, Bing Zhang, Qian Shen, et al. Monitoring water quality of Lake Taihu from HJ-CCD data using empirical models. IGARSS, 2012.

(57) 申茜,張兵*,等. 太湖水體反射率的光譜特征波長分析. 光譜學與光譜分析, 2011,31(7) : 1892~1897.

(58) Shen Qian, Zhang Bing, Li Junsheng, Wu Yuanfeng, Wu Yanhong, Zhang Hao, Peng Dailiang. Retrieval Total Suspended Substance Concentration Of Three Gorges Based On Chris/Proba Remote Sensing Images. IGARSS, 2011, pp1736-pp1739. Vancouver, Canada.



(1)2021-2024 國家重點研發計劃課題“受損水體遙感定量監測技術研究和應用示範”,負責。

(2) 2019-2020中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項子課題“長江幹流水環境水生态遙感監測體系及應用”,負責。

(3) 2018-2022:中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項子課題“土壤和水環境污染評估”的專題“黑臭水環境污染評估”,負責。

(4) 2016-2019:國家自然基金面上項目“以固有光學量為核心的二類水體二向性校正模型研究”,負責。

(5) 2013-2017:國家863計劃重大項目“星機地”二期課題二“典型應用領域全球定量遙感産品生産體系”子課題“區域河流定量遙感專題産品生産系統” ,負責。

(6) 2011-2013:國家自然基金青年項目“面向水質參數反演的太湖水體單位固有光學量先驗知識研究”,負責。


(1)内陸水體高光譜遙感(Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Inland Water),科學出版社,2012年10月,張兵、李俊生、王橋、申茜。




2)2016年“中國科學院傑出科技成就獎” (排名9),團隊名稱“高光譜遙感研究集體”。





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